Dosen Pembimbing
Prof.Ir.Riyanarto, SE.,MSc.,Ph.D.


The development of information technology result in very large changes in all areas of public life and that can not be avoided by all aspects of society. The application of new technologies in an organization is not easy to do because the application of new technologies will affect the overall organization especially human resources. The low adoption and utilization of technology on employees a major obstacle for organizations to successfully implement these technologies. By identifying interventions that can affect the adoption and use of technology will help the managerial decision making in determining the implementation of technology strategy.
One model of end-user acceptance of the technology is the acceptance model TAM (Technology Acceptance Model, 1989) by Davis. Venkatesh and Bala (2008) has conducted the development and testing of theoretical at that TAM TAM has undergone changes to be theory 3. TAM TAM chosen because in this method there are built casual analysis through indicators that value is obtained from the results of the poll by stuffing user interaction experience with technology to help finish the job.
The results of this study are expected to contribute to the PT. Terminal teluk lamong. The object of this study is the machine operator in the PT. Terminal teluk lamong. The data used in this research is primary data and data collection was performed using a questionnaire directly. Questionnaires distributed is as much as 106 questionnaires. Tests carried out using analysis technique SEM (Structural Equation Model) and was conducted using AMOS device version 20.0.
The results of this study indicate that the perceived ease of use positively affects perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use positively affects behavioral intention, perceived usefulness positively affects behavioral intention and behavioral intention positive effect on use behavior.

Keywords : Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioral intention, use behavior.

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