Evaluasi Sistem Pengendalian Internal Menggunakan Pendekatan COSO Studi Kasus Koperasi Warga Patra V



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Dyna Lusi Susanti

Dosen Pembimbing
Prof. Riyanarto Sarno, SE.,MSc.,Ph.D



In order to achieve organizational goals, continued preventive efforts need to be evaluated in order to prevent fraud and deficiencies in the company that could threaten its existing in the long term is a very important thing. Therefore, the implementation of the company's internal controls required under generally accepted guidelines publish by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) Section 404. Referring to the guidelines, there is an international standard used in the form of a general framework for the company to draw up internal control systems ie COSO Framework.
This study was made as empirical evidence of the implementation of Sarbanes - Oxley (SOX) Act section 404 on the responsibility to create an adequate internal control structure and obligations of assessing the effectiveness of internal control structures and its capability to bring the organization into a better direction. The goal is to identify a weakness of internal control based on the COSO Framework and prioritize improvements. The research is qualitative descriptive case study at Koperasi Gatra V. Research data are primary data by interviews and observations and secondary data such as documentation of research objects and documentation of independent parties. Analysis technique used is the reduction, verification and triangulation.
Based on the analysis we concluded that the internal control system in the Koperasi Gatra V is generally sufficient, especially for components of information and communication has been adequate, however, other components such as the control environment, risk assessment, control activities and monitoring still need improvement. The improvement priorities of internal control system are control activities and control environment. Control activities improved by using an application or system automation in business processes. This Implementation will help Koperasi Gatra V in reducing risks related to fraud that has been identified in a special audit in 2014. Control environment enhanced by making a written code of ethics.
Keywords: internal control, COSO, Fraud, savings and loan cycle, special audit.

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