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Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Sri Hartini, M.Si.


TAM or Technology Acceptance Model is a tool that can be used to
analyze the attitude of user acceptance of the presence of technology. This
research was done to find the cause of a significant difference between the
number of visitor website e-resources with the number of visitors to the site the
source of references in e-resources National Library of the Republic of Indonesia.
Analysis of the problems above can be tracked back based on the
position of the e-resources as digitalization of conventional library that utilize
information technology based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Users
who believe that with the use of new technology will benefit more (perceived
usefulness), as well as a user who believes that the use of new technology is easy
(perceived ease of use), then will encourage the emergence of interest to
continue to use the new technology that culminated in the use of an ongoing
(continuance intention).More information, Tam states that the belief of the user of
the ease of use and benefit from the new technology is influenced by external
factors, among others self efficacy, subjective norm and interface design.
The method used is to take samples from the user research e-resources
National Library of the Republic of Indonesia as much as 169 respondents who
then analyzed using Partial This Squares. The results of the study showed that the
TAM model is able to explain the factors that affect the user interest in using eresources.
E-resources self-efficacy can provide the benefits and convenience for
the user. Subjective norm does not affect the interest of the user will ease,
education and continuation in using e-resources. While the Interface design good
can affect the ease.
Key word : Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), e-resources,
Perpustakaan digital, Continuence intention

Hits 1792

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